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Why Should You Read This? And What is a Weblog?

This isn't just a site about me, you know, that would get boring. This is a site to hear about great (or terrible) books, movies, music, websites, etc. I'll post fiction and poetry and who knows what else. Just as long as we stay in touch. Its your site as much as it is mine.

Are you innocent? (Female Version)

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Basically, a weblog is an online journal. Now, why would I be putting my whole life on the net for everyone to see? And why would anybody be interested? Well, for one thing I'm too lazy to keep a diary but I like to keep track of my thoughts. However, I would also like to tell you about something I read once. Someone once told me that the reason people put their intermost feelings and secrets online is in hopes they can find someone to relate to them. We want people to be interested in us, we want to connect.



I Love Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Aragorn, Legolas, Numair, Neal of Queenscove, Li Syaoran is .


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